

Every teach IKEA, model room at "rub sleep" who has become a landscape. Now, you can openly go rub sleep. Recently, the famous short rental platform jointly launched Airbnb experience IKEA IKEA Sydney accommodation, just book online and spend $ 12, you can at this lovely big blue box over night, IKEA also specially built three different type of room, we went to take a look -

Special experience this accommodation is located near the airport of Sydney IKEA Tempe store, the scenery is very beautiful. IKEA will be chosen from among the three applicants group of participants, each group can have up to four members, adults need at least 18 years of age, children need at least 6 years old to participate in large-scale sleep party on August 31 in. In addition to specially built rooms and comfortable bedding, there is a large dinner party waiting for you, of course, you can also use the kitchen cooker cooking delicious dinner. For children, IKEA will be equipped with TVs, game consoles and the circus, so that the children spend a fun night. In addition, the inmate can also look forward to the next morning, "features up alarm clock." As a gift, IKEA will also allow people to attend the party of the bed to sleep and related supplies are brought home. Interested friends quickly landed Airbnb reservation now!

Modern elegant room

Tags: wholesale home garden

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